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Partnerships and Cooperations
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Section: Partnerships and Cooperations

National Initiatives


ANR BottleNet

Participants : Romain Rouvoy [correspondant] , Walter Rudametkin Ivey, Lionel Seinturier.

BottleNet is a 48-month project (2015–19) funded by ANR. The objective of BottleNet is to deliver methods, algorithms, and software systems to measure Internet Quality of Experience (QoE) and diagnose the root cause of poor Internet QoE. Our goal calls for tools that run directly at users’ devices. We plan to collect network and application performance metrics directly at users’ devices and correlate it with user perception to model Internet QoE, and to correlate measurements across users and devices to diagnose poor Internet QoE. This data-driven approach is essential to address the challenging problem of modeling user perception and of diagnosing sources of bottlenecks in complex Internet services. BottleNet will lead to new solutions to assist users, network and service operators as well as regulators in understanding Internet QoE and the sources of performance bottleneck.


Participants : Philippe Merle [correspondant] , Romain Rouvoy, Lionel Seinturier.

SATAS is a 48-month project (2015–19) funded by ANR. SATAS aims to advance the state of the art in massively parallel SAT solving with a particular eye to the applications driving progress in the field. The final goal of the project is to be able to provide a "pay as you go" interface to SAT solving services, with a particular focus on their power consumption. This project will extend the reach of SAT solving technologies, daily used in many critical and industrial applications, to new application areas, which were previously considered too hard, and lower the cost of deploying massively parallel SAT solvers on the cloud.

ANR Headwork

Participant : Pierre Bourhis [correspondant] .

Headwork is a 48-month project (2016–21) funded by ANR. The main objective of Headwork is to develop data-centric workflows for programming crowd sourcing systems in flexible declarative manner. The problem of crowd sourcing systems is to fill a database with knowledge gathered by thousands or more human participants. A particular focus is to be put on the aspects of data uncertainty and for the representation of user expertise. This project is coordinated by D. Gross-Amblard from the Druid Team (Rennes 1). Other partners include the Dahu team (Inria Saclay), Sumo (Inria Bretagne), and Links (Inria Lille) with J. Nierhen and M. Sakho.

ANR Delta

Participant : Pierre Bourhis [correspondant] .

Delta is a 48-month project (2016–21) funded by ANR. The project focuses on the study of logic, transducers and automata. In particular, it aims at extending classical framework to handle input/output, quantities and data. This project is coordinated by M. Zeitoun from LaBRI. Other partners include LIF (Marseille), IRIF (Paris-Diderot), and D. Gallois from the Inria Lille Links team.

Competitivity Clusters

FUI StoreConnect

Participants : Aurélien Bourdon, Julien Duribreux, Romain Rouvoy, Lionel Seinturier [correspondant] , Antoine Veuiller.

StoreConnect is a 24-month project (2016–18) funded by FUI and labelled by the PICOM (Pôle des Industries du COMmerce) competitivity cluster. The partners are Tevolys, Ubudu (leader), Smile, STIME, Leroy Merlin, Insiteo, Inria Spirals, Inria Fun, Inria Stars. The goal of the project is to define a modular multi-sensors middleware platform for indoor geolocation.

Programme Investissement d'Avenir (PIA)


Participants : Stéphanie Challita, Christophe Gourdin, Romain Rouvoy, Philippe Merle [correspondant] , Lionel Seinturier, Faiez Zalila.

OCCIware is a 36-month project (2014–17) of the Programme Investissement d'Avenir Cloud Computing and Big Data 4th call for projects. The partners are Smile (leader), ActiveEon SA, Scalair, Institut Mines-Télécom/Télécom SudParis, Inria, Linagora GSO, Obeo, OW2 Consortium, and Université Grenoble Alpes. The project aims at defining a formal framework for managing every digital resources in the clouds, based on Open Cloud Computing Interface (OCCI) recommendations from Open Grid Forum (OGF).

Inria National Initiatives

Inria IPL BetterNet

Participants : Lakhdar Meftah, Romain Rouvoy [correspondant] , Romain Sommerard, Antoine Veuiller.

BetterNet (2016–19) aims at building and delivering a scientific and technical collaborative observatory to measure and improve the Internet service access as perceived by users. In this Inria Project Lab, we will propose new original user-centered measurement methods, which will associate social sciences to better understand Internet usage and the quality of services and networks. Our observatory can be defined as a vantage point, where: (1) tools, models and algorithms/heuristics will be provided to collect data, (2) acquired data will be analyzed, and shared appropriately with scientists, stakeholders and civil society, and (3) new value-added services will be proposed to end-users. IPL BetterNet is led by Isabelle Chrisment (Inria Madynes), with the participation of the Diana, Dionysos, Inria Chile, Muse, and Spirals Inria project-teams, as well as the ARCEP French agency and the ip-label company.



Participants : Moncef Ouadia, Romain Rouvoy [correspondant] .

DoMaSQ’Air is a 1-year project funded by the CNRS INS2I MASTODONS program on research in big data. This project gathers a pluridisciplinary team on the measurement and the continuous analysis of indoor and outdoor air quality. This project takes advantage of crowds of cheap and miniaturized sensors in relation with the Internet of Things and smart cities. In addition to the challenges raised by the massive amount of data generated by these cyber-physical systems, the project tackles questions related to the quality and privacy of data. DoMaSQ’Air is led by Romain Rouvoy with the participation of the PC2A laboratory on PhysicoChemistry of Combustion of the Atmosphere (CNRS/U. Lille) and the LISIC laboratory on Computer Science, Signal and Image (U. Côte d'Opale).